The cunning ancient village: a journey into the depths of history
The cunning village, as if it came out of the heart of history and rests at the foot of Sahand mountain. This mysterious and abandoned village, with its houses dug into the heart of the mountain, its amazing architecture and obscure history, creates a unique experience for tourists.
The houses of the cunning village are carved like a beehive in the heart of the mountain. These houses have two floors that are connected by stone stairs. Stone arches and arches have given these houses a special beauty and strength. On the first floor of these houses, there are living rooms, kitchen, storage and oven. The second floor was also used to keep cattle.
The exact date of the construction of Haylevar village is not known, but it dates back to the pre-Islamic era and probably to the Sassanid era. Some believe that this village was abandoned during the Safavid era due to the Mongol attack and drought. Evidences such as old coins and pottery found in this village prove its ancient age.
Reasons for anonymity:
Due to its secret location in the heart of the mountain, the cunning village was hidden from the eyes of passers-by and tourists. The lack of a proper road until recent years also made it difficult to access this village. The anonymity of this village has doubled its mystery and charm.
Tourist Attractions:
Handmade houses: The most important attraction of the village of Hailevar is the houses dug in the heart of the mountain. Walking in these houses and imagining living in them is an unforgettable experience.
Mineral water spring: near this village there is a mineral water spring with healing properties that is of interest to tourists.
Natural scenery: Hilavar village is located in a mountainous area with pristine and beautiful natural scenery. High cliffs, deep valleys and green plains have doubled the beauty of this region.