Sassanian petroglyphs of Khan Takhti
The Sassanid petroglyph of Khantakhti, which is also known as the Khantakhti relief, is a relic of the ups and downs of Iran’s history, which is located in the Khantakhti region of Fars province. This petroglyph dates back to the Sasanian period and it has been around 1700 years.
This petroglyph depicts a scene of the victory of Bahram II, the Sassanid king, over the enemy. In this petroglyph, Bahram II is riding a horse and attacking the enemy. The enemy is also riding a horse and defending himself. Two other soldiers are also present on both sides of Bahram II.
The style of this petroglyph is realistic and its details are carved with great care. The clothes and weapons of the people and horses are carved in fine detail. Facial expression also shows strong emotions such as strength, courage and determination.
Sasanian petroglyphs of Khan Takhthi are very important. This petroglyph is an important source for historical and cultural studies of the Sasanian period. This petroglyph gives us valuable information about the clothes, weapons, art and architecture of the Sasanian period.
Sassanid petroglyphs of Khantakhti is a suitable place to get to know the history and culture of Iran and enjoy the rock art.