Puppet Museum of Nations: a journey to the world of stories and cultures
The Museum of Dolls of Nations, located on North Saadi Street in Tehran, is a wonderful world of dolls from all over the world. This museum, which was opened in 2013, houses a unique collection of dolls from different nations.
In this museum, you can see dolls from different continents, with different clothes and customs. Traditional puppets, modern puppets, marionettes, puppets, and handmade puppets are just a small part of this fascinating collection.
In addition to the display of dolls, the Museum of Dolls of Nations also has other sections:
Doll making workshops: In these workshops, children and adults can make their own dolls with different materials and tools.
Creativity workshops: In these workshops, children do various creative activities using dolls.
Storytelling workshops: In these workshops, professional storytellers tell different stories to children using dolls.