
Olsbelengah is a summer village in Gilan province, 25 km west of Masal. This village is located at an altitude of about 1400 meters above sea level and is known as “Lost Paradise” and “Cloud Plain” due to its location among the clouds.
An effect of the cloud ocean
Due to its high altitude, Olsbelengah is often in the clouds. This phenomenon creates an amazing and spectacular view as if you are in the middle of an ocean of clouds.
Pristine and pleasant nature
Olsbelengah has a pristine and pleasant nature. Dense forests, green meadows, raging rivers and clear springs have made this village an ideal place for recreation and relaxation.
Attractions for every taste
In addition to the Cloud Ocean, there are other tourist attractions in Olsbelengah that satisfy every taste. Olsbelengah Yilaq, Masal Green Roof, Avishu Cave, Blood Waterfall, and Masuleh Forest Park are among these attractions.
The best time to travel
The best time to travel to Olsbelengah is in spring and summer. In these seasons, the weather is mild and pleasant, and the forests around the village are lush and spectacular. But in the autumn and winter seasons, Olsbelengah has its own beauty and the village and the forest are covered with snow, creating a spectacular and dreamlike scene.


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