Negarakhana tower: a gem in the history of Ray
Naqarakhane Tower, a brick building with an age of about a thousand years, stands out on top of Tabarak Mountain in Shahreri. This tower, which has been registered as one of Iran’s national monuments, is a relic of Al Boyeh era and a testimony to the ups and downs history of this land.
The tower of the house is about 20 meters high and consists of two parts: the body and the dome. The body of the tower is made of brick and cylindrical and decorated with brick decorations and trestles arches. The dome of the tower is also a type of conical dome and is placed on a cylindrical body.
The date of construction of Naqarakhane Tower is not known precisely, but some historians attribute it to the Al-Buyeh period and around the fourth century AH. Others believe that this tower was built during the Seljuk period.
The exact use of the Naqara Khan Tower throughout history is not fully known. Some historians believe that this tower was used as a place for calling the call to prayer and announcing the prayer time. Others suggest that this tower was used as a watch tower or a place to observe the stars.
Tourist Attractions:
As one of the tourist attractions of the city, Naqarakhane Tower has attracted the attention of domestic and foreign tourists. The panoramic view of the city from the top of this tower is very spectacular.