Mirgholam Hashemi Castle or Sikan Castle belongs to the Qajar period and is located in Farhadabad village in Dareh Shahr city. This work was registered as one of Iran’s national works on 16 Mehr 1379 with registration number 2794.
Mir Gholam Hashemi Castle was built in 1303 AH by Mir Gholam Hashemi, the then ruler of Dera Shahr.
This castle has a square plan and four towers in its corners. The materials used in this building are stone, mortar and brick.
Mir Gholam Hashemi Castle has two entrance and exit doors, the main entrance door is located on the south side of the castle. This door has a gable arch and brick decorations.
Inside the castle, there is a central courtyard, around which the different mansions of the castle are located. The interior building is located on the north side of the central courtyard and has two floors. The first floor contains the king’s residence, living rooms and kitchen. The second floor contains bedrooms and storage.