Jaraghil rock houses: a journey into the depths of history and nature
There are secrets hidden in the heart of the towering mountains of East Azerbaijan. Secrets of history, culture and life of people who lived in this land thousands of years ago. One of these secrets is the rock houses of Jaraghil.
These houses are like a window to the past. A window that takes us to a journey in the depths of history and introduces us to the lives of people in distant times. Step by step, when we walk in these houses, it is as if we are talking to its original inhabitants, we hear about their sorrows and joys, about their hardships and efforts.
The unique architecture of these houses shows off the intelligence and ingenuity of the architects of that era. Houses dug into the heart of the mountain and built with patience and using simple tools. The small rooms, the kitchen, the place where the animals are kept, all tell of the simple life of people in that era.
But when do these houses date back? Archaeologists believe that these houses date back to the first millennium BC. That is, when there was still no news of great governments and monarchies. At that time, humans lived in small groups and needed safe shelters to protect themselves from natural hazards and savages. Caves and mountains were the first human shelters, and later, with the passage of time and human development, rock houses were built.
Jaraghil rock houses are not just a historical place. These houses are a symbol of Iranian culture and civilization. A symbol of patience, effort and creativity of Iranian people. Visiting these houses is an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of Iran and also enjoy the pristine and mountainous nature of East Azerbaijan.
Besides rock houses, Jaraghil village has other tourist attractions. Stone mosque, waterfall, and natural springs are among these attractions. Jaraghil stone mosque, carved in the heart of the mountain, is one of the most beautiful mosques in Iran. Jaraghil waterfall, with its beautiful and heart-warming view, is a suitable place for rest and relaxation.