Jame Mosque of Urmia

Jame Mosque of Urmia: a gem in the history of Azerbaijan
Urmia Jame Mosque, also known as Dash Aghli Mosque, is a treasure of Azerbaijani architecture, history, and culture. This mosque is located in the heart of Urmia city and is known as one of the most important tourist attractions of this city.
An overview of the history of the mosque:
The construction date of Urmia Grand Mosque goes back to the 7th century AH. According to historical evidence, this mosque was built on the remains of a Zoroastrian fire temple. This issue shows the rich historical and cultural background of Urmia region.
Urmia Grand Mosque has been restored many times throughout its history. During the Safavid period, parts were added to the mosque and its decorations were restored. This attention shows the importance of Urmia Grand Mosque in the history and culture of Iran.
Magnificent and unique architecture:
Urmia Grand Mosque is a clear example of Azeri architecture. The brick dome of the mosque, its high minarets, and its plastering and tiling decorations are among the distinctive features of this mosque’s architecture. These decorations show the skill and art of Iranian architects and artists in the past.
The altar of Urmia Jame Mosque is one of the most beautiful altars in Iran, which is decorated with mosaic tiles. Azure, turquoise, and white colors are used to decorate the altar, which adds to its beauty and glory.


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