Gurban Hamadan Tower
Qurban Tower is an octagonal brick building from the 7th or 8th century AH, which is located in Hamedan city, between the four gardens of Shahid Madani and Taleghani Street, behind Ibn Sina Primary School. This building is also known as Burj E-Karavalan and Burj E-Karam.
In terms of architecture, Qurban Tower is a unique building and one of the architectural masterpieces of Ilkhanid period. This building has a brick body with brick and tile decorations. The height of the tower is about 20 meters and its diameter is about 10 meters.
The decorations of the Qurban Tower include brickwork, tiling and moqrans work. The brickwork of this building is very delicate and artistic and includes various geometric and slim patterns. The tiling of this building is also very exquisite and valuable, and turquoise, azure and white colors are used in it.
The exact use of Burj Ghorban is not known. Some believe that this building was used as a pillar of a minaret and for calling the call to prayer. Others believe that this building was built as a tomb or monument.
Qurban Tower is of great importance in terms of history, architecture and decorations. This building has been registered as one of the national monuments of Iran and is one of the important tourist attractions of Hamadan city.