Econo Museum of Lady Bibi Hayat Kerman: a journey to the heart of Kerman’s history and culture
Econo Museum of Lady Bibi Hayat, located in Kerman, is a unique place to learn about Kerman’s history, culture and traditional businesses. This museum is located in a historical building called Madrasa Hayit, which dates back to the Qajar period.
Critical School:
The vital school was built in 1267 AH as the Imperial Bank of Iran and England. After the closure of the bank and its transfer to the British Consulate, this building was renovated in 1312 for the use of students. In 1320, it was named after the lady “Bibi Hayati” and was used as a school until 1356.
In 2013, by the order of the then governor, this school was turned into a museum, and in the winter of 2014, Kerman’s mayor named Econo Museum of Old Kerman’s Crafts and Words was opened.
Different parts of the museum:
Econo Museum of Lady Bibi Hayat includes different sections including traditional business rooms, document room, courtyard and administrative section.
Traditional business rooms:
In this section, the traditional jobs of Kerman, such as carpet weaving, pottery, coppersmithing, silk weaving, agriculture-related crafts, etc., are displayed. In each room, the tools and equipment related to that job are displayed along with their explanations.
Document room:
In this room, documents related to the history of Kerman and the traditional businesses of this city are displayed. These documents provide valuable information about the way Kerman people lived in the past.
The courtyard of the museum has a traditional and pleasant atmosphere. In this yard, there is a beautiful pond and strong trees that create a relaxing atmosphere for visitors.
Administrative department:
The administrative department of the museum includes the library, store and other service departments.
Objectives of the museum:
Econo Museum of Lady Bibi Hayat was created with the aim of preserving and reviving the traditional businesses of Kerman, familiarizing the young generation with the culture and history of this city, and also attracting tourists.