Chelchal Karaj waterfall

Chelchal Karaj waterfall: a gem in the heart of Alborz

Cheholchal Karaj waterfall, a gem in the heart of Alborz, attracts every tourist with its stunning beauty and untouched nature. This waterfall, which is located near the village of Varian on the road from Karaj to Chalus, is considered one of the highest waterfalls in Alborz province, with a height of approximately 40 meters.

The name of this waterfall is derived from forty ponds on the way to the main waterfall. These ponds have been created due to water erosion and have given a special beauty to the waterfall path.

The path to reach the waterfall is a dirt and forest road, which is a bit difficult to pass by passenger cars. But this difficulty is completely forgotten when you see the beauty of the path and the waterfall. Along the way, towering trees, a raging river, and pristine natural landscapes have created a unique landscape.

Next to the waterfall, there is a space for rest and picnic. In this place, you can enjoy the coolness of the water and the cool mountain breeze and make the most of the beauty of the pristine nature around you.

Chehol Chal waterfall has its own beauty in different seasons of the year. In spring, the waterfall has a joyful and refreshing effect with its roaring waterfall and green nature. In summer, the coolness of the water and the cool mountain breeze make Chehol Chal waterfall an ideal place to escape from the summer heat. In autumn, the autumn colors of the trees double the beauty of Chehol Chal waterfall. In winter, the freezing of the waterfall and ice lanterns create a unique and eye-catching sight. In addition to natural beauty, Chehol Chal waterfall also has historical and cultural values. Near this waterfall, there are the remains of a historical castle called Varian Castle, which dates back to the Sassanid era

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