The stone pond of Shahdezh peak

The stone pond of Shahdezh peak, a gem on the roof of Karaj: a treasure of untold secrets
Shahdezh peak stone pond is not only a natural stone pond, but a treasure of untold secrets. The history of this stone pool goes back to distant and unknown eras, and many stories and legends have been formed about it.

Some believe that this stone pond was a place of worship and prayer for elders and ascetics in the past. The silence and tranquility of the space, as well as the presence of a spring near the pond, reinforce this belief.

Others say that this stone pond was a place to collect rainwater for use in agriculture and animal husbandry. The existence of channels around the pond proves this hypothesis.

But apart from the stories and legends, the stone pond of Shahdezh Peak has many natural and touristic values. This stone pond, located at an altitude of 3200 meters, presents a unique and stunning view of the surrounding mountains, plains and rivers.

In addition to natural beauty, Shahdezh peak stone pond has scientific and research values. The existence of this stone pond at a height.

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